Ivenio has focused to consult public organisations such as cities, towns, districts and regions in waste-management projects.

Ivenio has used its expertise of waste management to successfully consult customers in Central and Eastern Europe in a number of projects.

Vienna is widely known for their advanced environmental management. As Ivenio has supported a number of these projects in the past, it can efficiently apply these experiences in waste management projects and can offer also reliable partners for financing, construction and implementation.

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Innovative projects needs financing and investment partners. By means of our partner network we can offer perfect solutions for your waste management. We can align the whole process of financing in order to support your business.

However, the financing of major environmental projects should be based on :

•  A cooperation with commercial waste management companies
•  Sponsorships by the EC
•  Private Investors
•  Public Corporations

As a perfect model of waste management cooperation we recommed a Public Private Partnership.

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When planning a waste management system it is necessary to work with analytical data, e.g. yearly amount of waste, compound and consisteny of waste, existing facilities regarding to sorting and collecting waste, etc.

Based on that data, calculated key indicators and considering the actual enviromental standards we can form a suitable waste disposal concept as well as a time scale and a project plan.

Most of the upcoming and the new EU member states need fast, efficient solutions for fulfillment of EU regulations, beginning with reliable short and mid-term storing until waste incineration plant are available.

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Based on analytical data and geografical as well as infrastructural preconditions we can offer perfect solutions for waste management systems, not at last by means of our highly specialized partner network.

That means tailor-made project development for upcoming challenges, e.g.like modifcation of existing power plants and upgrading coal plants to waste incineration plants, or add-on of sorting facilities.  

Building up an appropriate consortium on technological issues is just as important as finding the right financing partners.

National legislation has to provide the legal framework which fulfils the technical requirements and the guidelines for environmental protection of the EC.

Ivenio has a reliable and proven network of partners and suppliers capable to deliver products needed to handle waste. The selection of products is based on reliabilty, ease of use and state-of-the-art of the machinery and represents Europes top players in the waste-management business.